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Our Story

 The Beginning 

In 1994, Father Joseph Sserugo, a member of the missionary religious order known as the Apostles of Jesus, began to make annual visits to St. Vincent DePaul parish in Richboro, Pennsylvania, USA.  He went there to make Mission Appeals, asking Catholics in America to support the work of the Church in other parts of the world. At the time, Father Joseph was serving in Darfur, Sudan.


At the same time, a few of the parishioners at St. Vincent DePaul church had begun a high school youth ministry program. After years of service, the group felt that they needed a greater challenge. Upon their return from their 2006 service project in Connellsville, Pennsylvania, the youth group attended Mass together, which was being celebrated by Father Joseph Sserugo, as part of his annual Mission Appeal. Father Joseph Sserugo extended an invitation to the group to come to his new home in the village of Ibanda, Uganda in East Africa.

 The Mission Defined

In 2007 the first group went to Uganda.  In planning the trip they asked Father Joseph a standard American question: what will we do when we are in Uganda?  He responded: Come and love my people.  If you love my people, you will always return. They went.  They met the people.  They loved the people!


The experience of this first group was beyond their imagination: the natural beauty of Uganda, the hospitality of the people, the vibrant celebration of faith, the hope in the midst of so much suffering and a desire to build a bridge that would allow this relationship to continue.


As a result of the enthusiasm generated from the first few pilgrimages to Ibanda, Uganda, the group became more determined than ever.  In September 2007 the group formed Building a Bridge to Uganda as a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation and 501(c)(3) organization. Each year, since 2007, a group has traveled to Uganda on behalf of Building a Bridge to Uganda.  

 The Story Continues . . . 

In 2010 our organization was asked to partner with the Apostles of Jesus in building a Catholic High School for boys and girls in Luwero, one hour north of Kampala. The school would be named in honor of Saint Pope John Paul II.


The Apostles of Jesus were responding to the great need for post-primary education throughout Africa (less than 7% of students are able to attend secondary school).  Building a Bridge to Uganda accepted the challenge and through the generosity of many friends, the school has become a reality. Read more about our work and Pope John Paul II high school here . . .   

See the documentary film, Rescued from Darkness, which features the inspiring true story of the Pope John Paul II School in Central Uganda.

Serving Those in Need

Building Relationships 

Starting from the Foundation

Educating the Youth

 The Future 

We continue to welcome new women and men who wish to partner in a variety of ways in promoting our work and those who wish to experience the people of Uganda by traveling to Africa. To learn more about how to get involved, click here . . . 


With God’s grace and the goodness of many people, the story will continue and history will continue to be made!

Building a Bridge to Uganda is a Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible.


The official registration and financial information of Building a Bridge to Uganda may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.

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© 2023 Building a Bridge to Uganda
P.O. Box 26, Richboro, PA, 18954

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